Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital Veterinarian in Orange, CA blog | Happy National Pet Day | Adopt a pet on April 11 and get a free office Exam and a Free first round of vaccination.

Happy National Pet Day

Adopt a pet on April 11 and get a free office Exam and a Free first round of vaccination.

National pet day is an unofficial holiday that we celebrate by paying extra attention to our beloved pets, if you have pets make today a special day for them by spending some extra time with them or buy them something special, you also can take them for a longer walk or play with them in the park with their favorite toy. If you don’t have a pet you can celebrate the day by visiting your local animal shelter adopt a pet and give a nice and warm home to stay in, you also can offer a volunteered care for animal or donate something useful for pets at the local shelter.
National Pet Day was founded by Colleen Paige in 2006 to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and raise awareness about all kinds of animals awaiting in shelters for homes.

At Nohl Ranch Animal Hospital we are Celebrating National Pet Day by offering Free office visit and Free first round of Vaccination for pets that gets adopted on the Pet National Day (April 11)